The Third Asian Powerhouse India - Country Committee Chairperson Women Empowerment and Sisterhood Aug 2015 - Mar 2016 New Dehli Area, India
"Women Empowering is the UNFINISHED Business of the Century! - WE agree with former US- State Secretary, Miss Hillary Clinton and candidate for President of the United States in the 2016 presidential election.WE, The Global Women Network of the World Leaders Forum (Dubai) believes in the POWER of WOMEN, Youth and Girls as GLOBAL CHANGE MAKERS for a Sustainable, and more Humanitarian Future for all and a World in Peace. What the World desperately needs are more peacemaker, healers and restorers and Love and care for all life beings on our planet. The 21st. Century is the Century of us, Women to UNITE Globally for a BETTER future for ALL our children, THE 21ST. CENTURY IS THE CENTURY OF US, WOMEN, TO UNITE GLOBALLY TO CALL FOR GENDER EQUALITY AND FOR A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE FOR ALL and a WORLD in PEACE. With the Global Platforms of the World Leaders Forum Dubai, WE, The Women & associates foster Global Partnerships Networks to Empower Women and Girls as the NEW Women Po...